wet nurse

美 [ˈwet nɜːrs]英 [ˈwet nɜːs]
  • n.(通常指旧时的)奶妈,乳母

复数: wet nurses

wet nursewet nurse


(usually in the past) a woman employed to feed another woman's baby with her own breast milk

wet nurse


  • 1
    N-COUNT (旧时的)乳母,奶妈
    In former times, a wet nurse was a woman who was paid to breast-feed another woman's baby.


a woman hired to suckle a child of someone else
Synonym: wet-nurse wetnurse amah


  1. He was breast-fed by a wet nurse .


  2. Not like the stories your wet nurse told you .


  3. I tried to find him a wet nurse .


  4. Engels once compared taxes to the wet nurse of the government .


  5. A housemaid , especially a wet nurse , in India and the far east .


  6. He also asks that the families go to the hospital together while the wet nurse gets a checkup .


  7. I plan to hire a wet nurse to take care of the baby , which is less than a month old .


  8. ' I have to ask the husband face-to-face whether he will let his wife work as a wet nurse , 'he says .


  9. Some parents searching for a wet nurse say they 're desperate for an alternative to possibly tainted milk powder .


  10. According to an unwritten rule in old families , grandparents were expected to pay for the grandson 's wet nurse .


  11. Acting like a wet nurse to them low-down , poor white trash instead of being here eating her supper .


  12. The wet nurse , said lady melisandre . " your grace gave her freedom of the castle . "


  13. The wet nurse went over to investigate . When she reached the other boat , the first thing she saw was a pool of blood !


  14. In a Yodeler one needs a gin that acts as a wet nurse , nourishing its young charges without exposing itself overmuch .


  15. Napoleon , the Prophet Mohammed and I have one thing in common . We were all breast-fed by a wet nurse .


  16. My wet nurse said the same thing , Will , Royce replied . Never believe anything you hear at a womans tit .


  17. This influence comes from stories told by his grandmother , his wet nurse and from the war of 1812 and his exiling to the southern Russia .


  18. Stannis furrowed his brow . " I was told that the wet nurse was this man craster 's wife . "


  19. When I was a boy , Tyrion replied , my wet nurse told me that one day , if men were good , the gods would give the world a summer without ending .


  20. He admits some might view hiring a wet nurse as exploitation , but he disagrees . 'They need higher pay and a better job while I need them to look after my baby .


  21. Only his wet nurse , who always used to say she would wait till he got married and had a son , then come look after him , was now ill and bedridden .


  22. Well , piss on the stories and piss on your wet nurse . This is the way it is , and you 're here for life , same as the rest of us .


  23. When Hung-chien first came back to china , the house was spacious and ah ch'ou had a wet nurse to look after him , so that ah ch'ou did not become a nuisance .


  24. But this sea , Professor Aronnax , he told me , this prodigious , inexhaustible wet nurse of a sea not only feeds me , she dresses me as well .


  25. Then there 's the problem of what to do with a wet nurse 's own child , since many of the women move in with their employers and , sometimes , they aren 't allowed to bring their own babies to work .
